Friday, March 5, 2010

Hello Son...

Hey there lil guy. Mommy had been meaning to do this (set up this blog) for a very looong time now. I was just waiting to have a stable Internet connection. Well now we finally do, thanks to your Daddy. 

By now, you are a healthy 5-month-old baby. I would really love to go on and on about your most recent development. But I think it's better if I start with posts of letters from earlier on; starting from when you were still in Mommy's belly. Yes, I did write some and I want to share it with you as well as others who might be reading this. 

So, be patient. We'll get there, and even further. =)

I thought about writing to you way ahead of your literacy period, because I went through stuffs that even I didn't and still don't understand, which explains moments that I lose it and may had taken it out on you. I thought about this because I want you to know how much your feelings and opinion matter (or will matter) to me. I thought about this because, well, I love you more than I could ever promise... May someday you would read these posts and understand your mother even better.

Your mother...


Anonymous said...

Amy, ko jan delete ni blog ko ah. sy mo baca ni nanti bila sy berada d tempat ko. hehehe..
Thanks Amy for the wonderful words:)
nangis ni sy baca huhu

laluki :)

God bless Amy, Joshua n MIcah :)

Amy D said...

Yeahehehe! Ada juga urang baca! Hahahaha.. Ya, sa tau ni akan berguna ni untuk orang2 yg mengandung nanti, sama untuk kita paham mama kita juga. Baca lah laluk. Banyak lagi ni. Arap2 buli maintain sampai Micah besar... =)

Anonymous said... selalu mengikuti perkembangan blog ko. heee.. nanti sa pun mok menulis jugala utk future bb sa. bagus owh idea suka. yaiiii...gbu,joshua n micah


Anonymous said...

tertulis same plak dah..hehe...itu si ikie. sa ingat sa tulis mate..aiyakkk...bah!! take care, mate!!!


Anonymous said...

yeah.. :)
Amy, bgs ko jd writer. ka jd penulis skrip ka. bgs bah ko tulis cerita.
mcm sy dpt rasa mcmana situasi ko. yaiii.. tp betul ni.
sy rasa penulisan ko memang malatup!

p/s: trus sy ada gambaran sikit ni pasal pregancy. wass!!

laluki :P

Amy D said...

Thanks mate, thanks again Laluk..

Ada juga bah impian sa ni mo jagi penulis yg dapat publish something, plaing sa impikan, buku lah. Tapi tia tau macam mana mo mula. Jadi, sa practice dulu lah dengan blog. Memang dari dulu suda sa blog, but his one, finally i found something to live for, jagi inspirasi to besar lah. Hehehe...

Keep reading guys... MOre to come... Banyak lagi, banyak!