Thursday, April 15, 2010



Mommy is very, very tired... You had been down with fever and vomiting for a week now. That's why Mommy and Daddy hadn't been getting enough sleep because all three of us keep waking up the minute you wriggled in our arms... 

No Sayang, it's not your fault... You must be in pain; all the heat in your body, forcing you throw up every 15 minutes... Not to mention, the mucus and phlegm collating in your lungs and your nose.. *sob sob* I hate it when I con't know what to do to make you feel better.. There was a point where I was carrying you in my arms while you cry softly in pain, and all my rocking and singing just didn't help, I got so frustrated with myself I put you on the bed and I cried out, "What do I do?"

It's frustrating... As a parent, I just want you to be comfortable and happy all the time... But I guess, it's times like these that make me stronger, coz it forces me to be patient, a skill that I've been praying for but never got... Still don't have it, but for your sake, I must learn. 

You're getting better by now... No more heat, and no more vomiting, at least for today. Mommy pray for a better tomorrow =).

Sleep now, Sayang... 

Your Mother...


Franky Boy said...

ooo.. biasa la tu budak2 kalo ada mucus and phlegm.. kasi nenen ja dia and jgn lupa consult dukutur.. hehe.. get well soon micah.. :)

Amy D said...

Nduii.. Thank u Angkol Boy.. hehe...
ya, semua orang cakap besa lah tu. Tapi tau lah bah mama2 ni, cepat panik kalau pasal anak.