Hey baby,
By this time, August 2011, we've moved back to KK for good, since June. Papa had to stay back because his job transfer takes time. But he will be joining us soon, ok?
But oh you miss him so much... You ask me to open photos of Papa every day. And every morning you wake up all you want to watch is videos of Papa... And in the evening when Mommy gets home from work, you ask me to call him... "Co' (call) Papa, Mommy.." You would say...
And darling Papa misses you too... If only you can understand the depths of his love and yearn to hold you again.. He complaints to me about missing you everyday, Micah. And I know it must hurt him not being able to see you as often, because it kills me not to see you in a day...
I can only hope that you understand why Mommy had to make the decision to move back here without waiting for Papa...
But hey, we're taking the plane to see Papa tomorrow! Isn't that exciting? I miss your Papa so much, and I know you do too. And i just can't wait for night to come so that we'll go to sleep and wake up the next morning to fly off home to Bintulu. Even though it's only going to be a four-day trip, I'm still super-excited about going home! To meet our family; your Kung Kung, Akek, aunties and lil cousins, to meet our friends there, eat the FOOOOOD there... ah, bliss...
Ok, Mommy's getting a lil carried away here. But hey, we're flying home, buddy! Let's pack!
Your Mommy